Law Of Attraction(Reprogram your Subconscious MInd to Manifest Anything)

Success starts in your subconscious mind...and in the limiting beliefs that have lived there
for years...maybe even decades.

“Nothing will change in your life until you open your mind to

Something new, that can transform your life sooner than later.”

Acquiring wealth, success and relationships don’t happen...until you change how your mind is programmed. Which...has been just about IMPOSSIBLE for most…Until now...Yeah, some may call it strange, or just a little weird...I don’t care. I simply call it AMAZING Because it’s the ONE THING that transformed my success...basically overnight!

Money Manifestation System/ Genie Script: My Review

Money Manifestation System/ Genie Script is a digital program created by Wesley Virgin, one of the most successful internet marketers and entrepreneurs. This "mind-hack" helps you alter your unconscious to deliberately manifest anything you want. Whether it's wealth, A new Job or a Business, extraordinary love, a better body. Anything. A world where he learned self-mind control techniques the average population never even knows to exist.

What is the Money Manifestation System/ Genie Script?

When observing certain celebrities, stars, and entrepreneurs, you may get the idea that they got wealthy overnight. It certainly seems that way. One day they are nobodies, you never heard of them, and the next day, they are cruising around in a Lambo. How did they get rich so fast?

More often than not, it was thanks to a mindset they had. Other factors influence your success, but the mindset is an important element people often overlook.

The Money Manifestation System/ Genie Script is designed to teach you some of these mindsets that can help you think in a way that will increase your chance of building wealth.

It is a product on Digistore24, which teaches you how to develop a millionaire mindset. And that’s it. You are not going to get any other hacks.

There are no secret methods of making millions that you find in the course. There are not revolutionary ways to creating wealth.

Who Is Wesley Virgin?

According to the article on, Wesley Virgin is a self-made multi-millionaire, and he himself calls Wesley a' Billion dollar' Virgin. He is a successful entrepreneur and a wealth coach who is helping people getting success in their respective fields. He also has his well-known product called Fat Diminisher.  Wesley Virgin's products are available on Digistore24. He will guide you to have the right and positive mental attitude and teaches you everything giving practical tips.

How Does Money Manifestation System/ Genie Script Actually work?

The core of Wesley Virgin’s program is hacking your mind so that you change the way you think about money.

Everything starts with your mindset, and Wesley sets out to create the right mindset with the help of hypnosis and brainwave manipulations.

You have to get out of your comfort zone if you want to see a change in your life.

If you want to create wealth, you have to start thinking in new ways.

And the Money Manifestation System/ Genie Script is designed to change your beliefs about how money is made.

Even more so if you want to make it in the online marketing niche. Getting into online marketing with a traditional 9-5 mindset won’t take you far. This was my mistake too.

I thought that I can only be paid for the amount of time I invest.

However, that is not true, as we see in the case of Wesley Virgin. He made a million dollars with his info product Fat Diminisher.

Of course, luck also played a role in Wesley’s success. His product was marketed by experts, which helped him a lot to make sales.

Now, I can already hear you say “But you said it is all about the mindset! What is this about luck and experts?”

I hear you, in the online marketing business it can be difficult to succeed, and you will need some luck too. The Overnight Millionaire does refer in a way to Wesley Virgin himself.

But this doesn’t mean that you should give up this easily.

I will say though that if you are a beginner, creating your own product is not the best idea. You should definitely look into affiliate marketing also.

In affiliate marketing, you promote someone else’s product or service, and if you make a sale you get a commission.

In the process of promoting products, you can learn a lot about marketing and sales. And later on, when you gain more experience you can create your own product too.

Overnight Millionaire

Money Manifestation System/ Genie Script – Pros and Cons


  • Price – it is affordable
  • Has a 60-day money-back guarantee
  • A ton of value for the price
  • You can learn a lot from Wesley Virgin


  • There are a lot of annoying up-sells
  • A little over-hyped  

Final Verdict - Money Manifestation System/ Genie Script

Wesley Virgin is not teaching anything revolutionary but there is a lot of value in his work. He guides you step-by-step on how to develop the right mindset.

This mindset is essential if you want to make money online. One does not become a millionaire by doing things the old way. Money Manifestation System/ Genie Script is a tool that can help you start on the path of making big money online. Don’t be fooled by the name, but give it a try.

This course won’t give you an exact blueprint on how to create a million-dollar business, but you will get a lot of useful mindset tools to help you.

If you are trying hard, but not getting success, then you can go for doing the mind-hacks course. Just get this now and in case if you think It's not working for you may be any of the reasons, you can get a full refund. So click the link below to learn more about this amazing game changer in your life


Affiliate Disclosure

When you click links on this site and buy products, I may receive a small affiliate commission to help fund my work. You will not pay more by buying when you click my links. When I suggest certain products, It is because my research or personal experience has shown that they may be helpful to you. 

Thanks for your support.


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